Friday, May 14, 2010

Top Ten Ways to Save Your Relationship

Making your lover your number one priority

Nurturing a successful romantic relationship or marriage means finding time to spend with your significant other, but in today’s busy world it can be difficult to balance a hectic career and other obligations with your responsibilities as a romantic partner. Sure, you may think that you’re spending enough time with your lover and that they know that your romance is the most important thing in your life. But are you certain of that?

Reiterating to your sweetheart that your romantic relationship is your number one priorityâ€"even more important than your career or other obligations that might keep you awayâ€"could be one of the romantic ideas that you need to take to build a better romance. Many of us take for granted that our lover knows that they are our “number one,” but sharing a romantic partner with a busy career or hectic schedule can sometimes make a person feel second best.

You might make a point to romantically hug your lover as soon as you get home from work or to spend as much free time with them on the weekends, but simply telling them that they are the most important priority in your life is just as important.

How you tell them is up to you. Whether it’s with words, in a card or romantic note, or with a romantic text message, letting your lover know that they are the most important thing in your life will work wonders for your loving relationship.

Your career or other important duties may keep you away from your lover more than you would like, and your romantic partner probably knows that you have certain obligations that your have to fulfill in order to be a good parent, role model or spouse. But when is the last time you told your lover that they are much more important to you than anything else in the world?

It’s a simple thing to say, but you’ll be amazed at how much more fulfilling your romantic relationship will be if you tell your boyfriend, girlfriend, wife or husband that they’re your number one priority. Let them know . . . today!

Write a romantic list to add amazing romance to your relationship

One of the many great things about coming up with romantic ideas in a loving relationship or marriage is that it’s a lot like depositing a bunch of money into a savings account. Just as your money pays you interest in the bank without any effort on your part, the romantic memories that you and your lover make together will pay you back for the rest of your lives. And if you’re following the daily romance advice we post here, you’re definitely depositing a lot of romantic capital into your loving relationship’s joint account!

But in spite of the fact that you and your lover made those wonderful memories together, are you certain that your significant other knows which of your many romantic memories are the most special to you? Those loving experiences may hold a special place in your heart, but romantic moments aren’t meant to be buried away and never mentioned again. Are you building up interest on your romantic memories but not collecting any of the profits?

Well do something about it today! I’ll let you in on one very simple, very effective way to show your lover just how much they mean to you and how special those memories are to you. It’s as easy as this: sit down with a pen and paper, write out a list from one to ten, and fill in your favorite romantic experiences you and your lover have had together.

Sounds simple? Of course it is! The most effective ways of adding romance to your life always are. And writing out a list of your favorite romantic memories will do not one, but two things to improve your romantic relationship. One: it will help remind you of the many wonderful, satisfying, romantic experiences you’ve had with your lover. Even the most successful romantic relationships experience lulls, and we all need a reminder every once in a while of the great reasons why we fell in love with our sweetheart.

And two: making a list of your favorite romantic memories will be a wonderful surprise for your husband, wife, boyfriend or girlfriend, too! When you share your list, you and your partner will have a terrific time reliving those memories and being reminded of even more romantic experiences you’ve had together.

And who knows . . . it might even inspire your lover to make out a romantic list of their own! So go grab a pen and paper and start making out your list of your favorite romantic memories right now. Your lover, and your romantic relationship, will thank you for it!

Sending romantic text messages to say “I Love You” cell phone

In the days before cell phones and LCD screens, lovers professed their romantic feelings for each other by dipping quills in ink and penning poetic love letters accented by elaborate script and even the occasional teardrop stain. The most prolific romanticsâ€"like the fictional, lovesick Cyrano de Bergeracâ€"spent long hours coming up with romantic ideas and authoring flowery testaments to their objects of affection before sealing parchment with rose-colored wax and sending the correspondence off with a courier as quickly as one could be found.

Old-fashioned romantic love notes . . . with a modern twist!

Whether by horseback, secret delivery in the dark of night, or even tied to the leg of a pigeon, the romantic love letters of long ago overcame obstacles of distance and oppression to reach their objects of affection. While hand-written messages of love are still a necessary and important part of healthy romantic relationships or marriages today, the contemporary romantic no longer needs to order a fresh bottle of ink or keep a courier on hand to deliver sporadic thoughts of love that innevitably pop up during the course of the day.

Some may complain that modern technology has made romance too cheap and easy, but digital innovation, if used sparingly, can help build a better, more romantic relationship with your boyfriend, girlfriend, wife or husband.

Most people today have cell phones, but I’ve met far too many who are hesitant to try text messaging or who think they would have no use for it. Expecially in a romantic relationship, texting can provide an important, unique forum for you and your lover to communicate in a fun new way.

Skip the small talk . . . and get right to romance!

Instead of making a romantic relationship less personal, text messaging can actually increase the amount of communication by allowing couples to express feelings that they wouldn’t otherwise. If, for example, you have a sudden thought at work of a romantic moment you shared recently with your lover, in many cases you won’t have the time or the privacy to call and talk about it. But text messaging allows you to send a very brief, very private message to your lover without anyone around you having a clue.

In addition, text messaging lets us send little romantic sentiments to our lovers without having to surround our message with the empty small talk and uncomfortable pauses that might come with a phone call. Just a few short romantic words are all that are necessary in a text . . . but we would never dream of calling our lover, saying those same few words, then hanging up right away!

Put thought into what you send . . . but don’t overdo it!

So, what kind of romantic text messages should you send to your lover? That’s up to you. You could decide to send a snippet from a romantic poem or a flowery message every day, but often all that’s necessary is a simply “I love you” or “I’m thinking about you.” Even short, sporadic messages like that will show your lover that they are on your mind and help improve your relationship.

One thing to keep in mind, though: it is possible to overdo text messaging. Because it’s so easy to do, it can be tempting to send text after text during boring lulls in your day. Don’t give in to this urge; it can be expensive if you’re paying a few cents per text, and no matter how much in love someone is they can still get annoyed by too much romance. Try to limit yourself to a few romantic texts a day, and you’ll be amazed at the positive difference it makes in your relationship.

So what are you waiting for? Go plug in to a great new way of using technology to add more romance to your relationship today. Get texting!

When to say I love you

For the truly romantic person, thinking of romantic ideas for saying “I love you” in fresh and unique ways is never a problem; there are a million different ways to show your lover how you feel about them, and every day offers new opportunities to inject romance into your life. But exactly when to say I love you, and deciding which moment is the best to express your feelings to your lover, can be a bit more difficult to decide on. Is there really a perfect time to say “I love you,” and if so, when is it?

If there is such a thing as the perfect time of day to let your girlfriend, wife, boyfriend or husband know how you feel, it’s probably different for every romantic relationship or marriage. Romance is a very personal experience, and each loving relationship is as unique as an individual set of fingerprints or a single snowflake. The exact experiences, memories, feelings and circumstances present in your relationship can’t be found in any other. So while saying “I love you” as you come home from work might be best in one relationship, saying it as you lay down to bed might be best in another.

But regardless of when you feel the most comfortable saying “I love you,” you should never, ever stop saying it at other times. Love is a renewable resource, and you’ll never run out of “I love you’s” if you say them too much. Who cares if you already told your sweetheart you loved them that morning? That shouldn’t stop you from telling them again that afternoon and that evening.

Don’t limit yourself to expressing your loving feelings only a certain amount of times during a day; instead, tell your lover how you feel whenever the fancy strikes you. Sure, if you started saying “I love you” three thousand times a day, that might cause a strain on even the strongest relationship. But if you have a healthy, open relationship, expressing your love three times or even ten times a day should only strengthen it.

Here’s one bit of advice to add some variety to your relationship, though: try saying “I love you” at times when it’s unexpected, rather than when you’ve always said it in the past. If your partner is only used to hearing you express your love when you leave for work in the morning, call to tell them again when you get to work. If they’re used to hearing “I love you” as you lay down for bed at night, tell them how you feel as soon as you open your eyes in the morning.

Is there a perfect time to say “I love you?” The answer is yes, but the only person who can decide when that is for your relationship is you. But by promising yourself not to limit yourself in how often you express your feelings, and by doing it at unexpected moments, you can that each “I love you” will be as close to perfect as possible!

How to say “I’m proud of you”

What if I told you there are four words that are almost as important to a romantic relationship or marriage as “I love you,” but that are rarely said? It’s true, and these four words, if said even sporadically, can do wonders for letting your lover know your feelings, inspiring new romantic ideas, and building a better, more loving relationship.

Now that I’ve grabbed your attention, get your red pen ready: “I’m proud of you” are the four magical words that will add a whole new dimension of love and appreciation to your romantic relationship.

So, why is the phrase “I’m proud of you” nearly as important in a relationship as “I love you?” Well, regular readers of Romance Tracker already know that showing someone you love them is just as important as saying you love them. Sure, A simple “I love you” is a wonderful, effective way to nurture your loving relationship. But actually letting your lover know why you have these wonderful sentiments about them will help them appreciate your feelings and feel better about themselves.

“I’m proud of you” is a phrase more often heard from the mouths of parents or mentors, but it is very important in romantic relationships, as well. There aren’t many better ways to show your boyfriend, girlfriend, wife or husband that you approve of the way they conduct themselves and the wonderful things they do than by telling them you’re proud of them.

There are a variety of reasons why we might be proud of our romantic partner: the hard work they do at the office or at home to help support the family; the time and effort they put into being a good role model for the children; or even something as simple as kindness they might show to you or a stranger.

The fact is that you can find dozens of simple reasons to be proud of your lover every day, and you shouldn’t pass up the chance to express your pride . . . whether it’s with the spoken word, a quick text message, or in a special, hand-written note.

So what are you waiting for? “I’m proud of you” are four magical words that are guaranteed to add more romance to your relationship and make your lover feel great. Go let that special someone know why you’re so proud to have them in your life!

Top 10 ways to stop a breakup or divorce and save your relationship

Posting about romantic ideas every day here on Romance Tracker is a pretty easy thing to do, but actually adding more romance to your relationship or marriage and making it more fulfilling for your and your sweetheart can be difficult if you’ve hit a rough patch. If you’re having problems in your romantic relationship and want to avoid a breakup or learn how to save your marriage, the best ways to refresh your love life and bring back excitement aren’t always easy to discover.

Every relationship faces its own unique challenges and difficulties, and the solutions to your romantic problems can be just as unique. Loss of romantic interest, not having enough in common, family difficulties, even unfaithfulness or suspected cheating . . . any can spell trouble for a relationship, but none have to mean the end of your romance.

Remember, relationship problems are inevitable for any romantic couple, but if you face them as a determined team, they can actually make your love even stronger. With optimism, patience, and understanding, you can turn any problem into an experience that will help you and your boyfriend, girlfriend, wife or husband fall even deeper in love.

And while you’re the only person who can discover the best ways to save your struggling relationship, there are many foolproof, effective and simple methods you can use to add more love to the mix and make yourself more likely to succeed and stop a divorce or breakup. Ten of the easiest ways to stop your relationship from breaking up are listed below . . . but don’t stop with them!

Top Ten Ways to Save Your Relationship

1. Make your sweetheart your number one priority

We all have responsibilities in our lives that take us away from our families and lovers, and fulfilling those responsibilities is part of being a good partner and a romantic person. But even if you can’t spend as much time with your sweetheart as you would like, there are lots of ways to make it clear to them that they are still the number-one priority in your life.

2. Learn about your sweetheart’s interests

We all bring unique interests, hobbies and talents to a relationship, and learning about your lover’s tastes and skills is a great way to appreciate them more and share rewarding time together. Learning from each other and experiencing new things as a couple will bring you closer together, make your relationship more exciting and expand your horizons.

3. Brag about your relationship

No one likes a loudmouth who never shuts up about their love life, but telling your friends, family and coworkers about how much you love your romantic relationship is a great way to make your sweetheart feel appreciated and make you excited about your romance. Making it a habit to tastefully mention how thankful you are to have your lover will only make your relationship stronger.

4. Say “I’m proud of you” to your sweetheart

Everyone likes to feel that they are appreciated, and telling your lover that you are proud of them is one of the simplest . . . and least used . . . ways to make them feel good about themselves and your romantic relationship. Whether you’re telling them how much you appreciate the job they do, their role in your relationship, or their sacrifices, “I’m proud of you” are four of the most effective words you can use to save your romance.

5. Lead by example

Keeping score of who’s more romantic in your relationship is one of the worstways to promote romance in your relationship. Just as members of any successful team have learned, the best way to encourage a certain kind of behavior in others is to lead by example. So be more romantic with your lover, but don’t insist they do the same. With enough encouragement, you may be surprised to see them start to come around themselves.

6. Call in sick to work to spend time with your sweetheart

I’m not saying you should try to get fired from your job, but if you’re doing well at work there is nothing wrong with taking a tiny holiday to spend time with the most important person in your life. Briefly putting off other responsibilities to be with your lover is a great way to show them that they are the number one priority in your world.

7. Introduce some competition into your relationship

No, I don’t mean to make your sweetheart jealous by dating another person. But a little good-natured romantic competitionâ€"whether it’s through competitive games, contests, sports, or betsâ€"can be a terrific way to add a little excitement, interaction, and playfulness into your relationship.

8. Compliment your sweetheart every now and then

Sure, it’s easy to overdo compliments and come across as over-the-top or insincere. But regardless of whether or not your lover knows how you feel about them, a simple, kind compliment once in a while goes a long way in making them feel good about themselves and your relationship.

9. Get over your fear of coming across as too “clingy”

There’s a big difference between being tastefully romantic with your sweetheart and being “clingy.” Hand-holding, simple kisses on the cheek and other subtle acts of love are nothing to be ashamed of. It shows your lover that you aren’t embarrassed of your romance and will add a much-needed dimension to your relationship.

10. Learn to love yourself

Part of the reason why some people have a difficult time appreciating romantic gestures is that they don’t understand why their lover is so fond of them. Learning to appreciate your own talents, gifts and innate goodness will help you appreciate your sweetheart’s feelings and let you accentuate your best qualities. Ultimately, learning to love yourself will teach you how to love your romantic partner more.

Why romantic emails are a great way to say “I love you”

One recurring theme here on Romance Tracker is using modern technology to add old-fashioned romance to your relationship. In spite of all that the modern world has done to make human relationships more impersonal, there are still many great romantic ideas for using technology to add more spontaneity, fun and excitement to yours.

True romance is really about taking things slowly and paying close attention to even the small details, and the Internet and email are about doing things as quickly and simply as possible . . . but used correctly, they can help nurture and build your relationship. After all, you’ve used the internet to find this post about making your relationship or marriage more romantic, haven’t you?

Much like sending romantic text messages, a spontaneous romantic email is a simple and effective way to tell your wife, girlfriend, husband or boyfriend you are thinking about them at any time of the day. Many of us have gotten sick and tired of seeing our inboxes full of forwarded emails and unoriginal jokes, but an original, romantic email isn’t spam at all. And it doesn’t take much time or effort; something as simple as “I’m busy with work right now, but I’m missing you!” can make your sweetheart smile for the rest of the day!

If you want to get a bit more romantic, why not do some research and send your significant other a single line from a romantic poem every day? Or maybe a beautiful, romantic image you’ve found on the web with a note telling your lover how it reminded you of them?

E-cards are another great way to send lighthearted or serious romantic messages to your sweetheart over the Internet. There are plenty of on-line companies that let you send an ecard for free (just Google “e-cards”), and you can usually personalize them with your own special message. E-cards are a quick, fun way for your to tell your lover you’re thinking about them, and they’re guaranteed to put anyone who gets one into a great mood!

So what are you waiting for? You’re on the Internet right now, so nothing’s stopping you from sending your lover a quick romantic email. Promise yourself to use the Internet to tell that special someone you’re thinking about them at least once a week, and I guarantee your relationship will be better for it!

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